Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Shaping our City Stories – an event series by the URBACT Cities for Sustainability Governance network

    Europe and the world rely on dedicated and determined local leaders. Cities of all sizes create inclusive and sustainable future, when planned and managed well. 

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • "All things, to all people, at all times", the Cities@Heart Baseline Study

    Covering themes from nightlife to the circular economy, the 30 URBACT IV Action Planning Networks began their journey of integrated urban development in June 2023. This baseline study, conducted from September to December 2023 in ten different countries, compiles urban analyses and site-specific visits to create the project roadmap for the URBACT Cities@Heart network, aiming to generate actionable knowledge for revitalising city centres.

    The purpose of this baseline study is to define the framework for learning, knowledge exchange, and capacity building over the project's two-and-a-half-year duration. It establishes a clear methodology for focusing, categorising, and sharing network learnings.

    Santamaria-Varas Mar

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  • A group of people standing in the forest in front of an art installation depicting a spider

    Reflections after the second and third transnational meetings in Cehegin and Onda - Cehegín perspective


    The second and third international meetings of the URBACT GreenPlace network took place on March 11-14 in Spain. This event, organized in cooperation with another Spanish city, Onda, provided a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences between project partners and served as a forum for discussion on the importance of working and learning together in building a more sustainable future for our cities towards Integrated Action Plans.

    Joanna Gańcza-Pawełczyk

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  • A group of people standing behind an olive tree to be planted



    Transnational meeting between the cities of the GreenPlace network CNM 2-3 Onda-Cehegin



    “Your level of commitment to the goal you have in mind is directly related to your chances of success.”

    Inés Torremocha (Emotional intelligence for you – ASNIE)

    Joanna Gańcza-Pawełczyk

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  • National Points

    Unlocking Urban Potential: The Crucial Role of National URBACT Points

    In the dynamic landscape of urban development initiatives, the significance of National URBACT Points (NUP) cannot be overstated. Recent events, such as the participation of Mollet de Vallès in the II Spanish Urban Forum, shed light on the pivotal role these NUPs play. Acting as intermediaries for knowledge exchange, collaboration facilitation, and strategic guidance, NUPs are the linchpins ensuring the success and sustainability across diverse administrative landscapes, serving as beacons of support, fostering cohesion among municipalities and steering them towards impactful urban transformations. 


    More and more often, NUPs are organizing meetings that are gathering different URBACT project partners: 


    • Lepida (Italy): 18/12/2023 (online) 

    • Mollet (Spain): 17/10/2023 (in-person) & 1/12/2023 (online)  

    • Gdansk (Poland): 7-8/12/2023 (in-person)  

    • Jelgava (Latvia): 25/10/2023 (online)

    • Iasi (Romania): 7/11/2023  

    • Zenica Doboj-Canton (B&H): 03/03/2023 


    It’s worth mentioning, Spain National URBACT Point is the only NUP that has celebrated two meetings; one online and other face-to-face, acting as invaluable catalysts for synergy and progress and nurturing a vibrant ecosystem of urban innovators and policymakers for Spanish municipalities. 


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  • Pilot Course

    Bridging the Digital Divide: Insights from the "Digitali senza Frontiere" Pilot Course

    In today's interconnected world, digital literacy is not just a skill but a fundamental requirement for participation in society. However, access to digital resources and the ability to utilize them effectively remains uneven, with certain demographics facing significant barriers. Addressing this issue, our DIGI-INCLUSION network italian partner, Lepida, organized a pilot course named "Digitali senza Frontiere: A Guide to Inclusive Digital Literacy" was conducted, marking a significant step towards bridging the digital divide, particularly in the Apennine region.

    Led by Alessandro Borri from Centro Provinciale per l’Istruzione Adulti Montagna, the pilot course shed light on the stark reality of the digital divide, emphasizing gender inequalities in access to online services. Collaborators Mariangela Di Carolo and Fernanda Lozano Garcia of Bolab association highlighted the importance of empowering migrant women through co-designed pathways for acquiring computer skills.


    The pilot, conducted within the framework of the DIGI-INCLUSION network activities and Festival of the Cultura Tecnica, was a comprehensive program aimed at bridging the digital divide for women enrolled in adult education, particularly in the Apennine region. Scheduled to kick off in October 2023, the program outlined five modules divided into six sessions each, catering to approximately 15 participants.

    Taking place between October 17th and 27th, 2023, the pilot course represented a successful model for future initiatives. Organized by Lepida and their collaborative partners, the course showcased its effectiveness in promoting inclusive digital literacy.


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