Innovative Heritage Management

19/09/2022 19/09/2022


The INT-HERIT implementation network brings together 9 European cities facing challenges related to the revitalisation of their cultural heritage. These cities learn from each other and help each other to develop local strategies in order to make their cities an attractive place to live, work and visit. The network focuses on the implementation of innovative models through integrated and sustainable local strategies. It will increase awareness of strategies and plans, improving the capacity of cities to manage their heritage and enable their social and economic development.



Lead Partner : Baena - Spain
  • Alba Iulia - Romania
  • Baena - Spain
  • Cahors - France
  • Dodoni - Greece
  • Espinho - Portugal
  • Mantova - Italy
  • Ostfold County
  • Sigulda - Latvia
  • The Kortrijk Region - Belgium


Project Launch - Phase 1

Phase 2 Final Conference - Mantova (Italy)

Phase 2 Kick Off Meeting - Baena (Spain)

Phase 2 development

Operational Implementation Framework

Within an Implementation network, the Operational Implementation Framework is a local output, specific to each city, produced within the URBACT Local Group. It is the final product that describes the challenges project partners have faced when implementing their plan, what approach was used to overcome them and the lessons learnt from the process. In a nutshell, this document includes the description of the context and specific barriers keeping cities to reach successful implementation, alongside the capabilities, tools, skills and methods that were developed and how they come together. At last, it captures the knowledge that the partners had either acquired or deemed as necessary throughout their URBACT journey, providing a consistent framework to tackle future projects.


Arwen Dewilde
City of Ghent



Plaza de la Constitucion 1

Baena (Cordoba) - Spain



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