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  • Vila Nova de Famalicão - Core Meeting 1

    Nine cities to link issues of public procurement and gender equality

    The GenProcure Action Planning Network (APN) is focused on the thematic topic of Gender Responsive Public Procurement. Over the next two years and until December 2025, it will seek to support nine partner cities to develop Integrated Action Plans (IAPs) that enable gender equality to be a key consideration in Public Procurement. Public Procurement is the process utilised by public authorities, including local municipalities and regional governments, to spend money on the goods, services and works that they require to function effectively. Public procurement spreads from the design of goods and services to the tendering of opportunities to the monitoring of outputs and outcomes.


    Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson

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  • URBACT IV. Info nap Budapest - Beszámoló 2023

    Az Építési és Közlekedési Minisztérium(ÉKM) és az URBACT Nemzeti Kontakt Pont 2023. november 28-án információs és disszeminációs napot tartott, melynek témája az URBACT aktualitásai és az előző lezárt akciótervezési programok jó gyakorlatainak megismerése volt.

    URBACT Nemzeti Kontakt Pont

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  • WELDI - Building welcoming communities for migrants


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  • Event

    Online info session - The call in a nutshell and its features: Q&A

    The URBACT programme is accepting proposals for the new call for Innovation Transfer Networks between 10 January and 20 March 2024 at 15:00 CET. In this context, the URBACT Secretariat is organising a series of webinars to present the different aspects of the call and provide the space for questions and exchange for potential beneficiaries.


  • URBACT IV Innovation Transfer Networks

    SAVE-THE-DATE: Digitaler Infoday zum Innovation-Transfer-Call

    Am 23. Januar 2024 von 10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr organisiert die Nationale Kontaktstelle für Deutschland einen digitalen Infoday zum neuen Innovation-Transfer-Call.

    Lilian Krischer

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  • “Vitamin N” for everyone – Transforming cities’ relationship with nature and the rise of nature-based solutions to tackle the ecological crisis

    Bestseller author Richard Louv defined nature-deficit disorder in his book (Vitamin N: The Essential Guide to a Nature, 2016 – where “N” is for “nature”) and launched an international movement to get humans’ connection back to nature, especially in urban areas where this connection has been dramatically lost over the last centuries, as it was painfully, but perfectly showcased during the COVID-19 pandemic.


    It is not neglected - it is biodiverse! Field work at a spot designated to as a pilot area of climate adaptive grassland management in Veszprém, Hungary
    It is not neglected - it is biodiverse! Field work at a spot designated to as a pilot area of climate adaptive grassland management in Veszprém, Hungary

    Ferenc Szigeti-Böröcz

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