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  • Why are we still talking about gender equality? The FEMACT-Cities Action Planning Network: Addressing the implementation gap in gender equality policy

    The FEMACT-Cities Action Planning Network: Addressing the implementation gap in gender equality policy

    Why are we still talking about gender equality?


    2024 will mark the 25 year anniversary of the Pact of Amsterdam, the legal document which made gender equality compulsory in the European Union. But even before that, gender equality policy had been enacted on national and regional levels in the member states. So why are we still talking about gender equality?


    Haven‘t we moved beyond this topic yet?


    Unfortunately, the reality is that not only haven‘t we closed the gap between men and women in wages, pensions, school achievement, participation in STEM fields, number of political representatives, and many other topics, in fact, recent data from the European Institute on Gender Equality (EIGE) shows that progress on gender equality in the EU-27 stalled or was in some places even negative between 2019 and 2022, due largely in part to the gendered effects of the pandemic.

    Mary Dellenbaugh

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  • URBACT University 2023 - problem solving tree

    Drie stappen om een project op te starten: lessen uit de URBACT zomeruniversiteit

    De nieuwe URBACT-steden kwamen van 28 tot 30 augustus bijeen in Malmö voor hun eerste persoonlijke ontmoeting. Dit was een gelegenheid om hun respectieve netwerken een eerste impuls te geven. Ter herinnering: aan het eind van 30 maanden werk moet elk van de 30 actieplanningsnetwerken een geïntegreerd actieplan over zijn doelthema produceren.

    Fabian Massart

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  • Trois étapes pour lancer son projet : les enseignements de l’université d’été URBACT

    Les nouvelles villes URBACT se sont rassemblées du 28 au 30 août à Malmö pour une première rencontre en chair et en os. De quoi donner un premier coup de boost à leurs réseaux respectifs. Pour rappel, au bout de 30 mois de travail, chacun des 30 réseaux « Action Planning Network » devra aboutir à la réalisation d’un plan d’action intégré sur la thématique qu’il cible.

    Fabian Massart

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  • Uzzini vairāk par katru no Rīcības plānošanas tīkliem

    Pirmo URBACT IV projektu mājaslapas ir jau pieejamas!

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • A person wearing Vr glasses, standing on a wood board in front of a screen

    I’ve been to Härnosänd and seen the future of urban planning – through a VR Headset. And it will soon be coming your way.

    The METACITY Action Planning Network has gotten 10 cities thinking about the future of urban planning and how can new digital technologies, such as the metaverse or Artificial Intelligence (AI), contribute to shape it. As the Lead Expert of the network, I have travelled to one of the Partner Cities – Härnosänd in Sweden - and discovered that virtual reality can be both magnificent and scary.

    Eurico Neves

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  • Ready for Action! Meeting, 15-16 November 2023

    Municipality of Rethymno organized the “Ready for Action! Meeting”, on November 15th-16th in Rethymno Crete.

    Vasilis Koutalas

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