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  • Do we need participatory democracy to save democracy?

    Everyone acknowledges today that democracies around the world are increasingly challenged. The number of issues they have to face – and have difficulties to respond to (social justice, economic stability, climate change, etc.) – put our democracies at risk. On top of that, a growing number of people feel that they are not listened to or taken into consideration by policymakers. Citizens claim a right to have a say in public decisions, choices, and policies that are made.

    Christophe Gouache

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  • Get to know URBACT’s 23 new Action Planning Networks

    Discover our new Action Planning Networks!


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  • Attention all urban decision-makers! Did you know that you can do business without money?

    We all want urban services to be efficient, redevelopment exciting, civic events colourful and new urban initiatives really able to make a difference! But how do you do this when many European cities - especially after the hard-hitting crises of the last decade - lack funding, resources, knowledge and the connections that make such vibrant governing work? One answer may surprise you. We can turn to our corporate and business communities. Because there is something called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

    Steffen Wetzstein

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  • “Be a voyager, not a tourist:” Introducing the Action Planning Network Tourism-Friendly Cities

    “I welcome in my restaurant voyagers, not tourists. People who are curious and respectful of the local lifestyle, who appreciate that the daily menu depends of the fresh and locally available products and who do some research before visiting”.

    Fausto Cavanna, owner, La Taverna di Colombo, Genoa (Italy)

    Anamaria Vrabie

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  • 9 European cities acting together to end homelessness. Ambitious? Hell, yes!

    What do we talk about during a 2,5 day summit on transforming planning? Catch a glimpse on our Day 2 Recap.

    Liat Rogel

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  • HEALTHY CITIES for embedding health in urban planning policies

    The climate crisis, as well as unhealthy lifestyles in urban environments, are closely interlinked with urban planning.

    Van Herk Sebastiaan

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