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  • tech revolution- it’s all kicking off!

    Take seven cities, a group of economic development professionals; put them in a room together, throw in a Lead Expert and you have a recipe for a shared vision of a brighter future.

    Samantha Jones

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  • 3,2,1...CARD4ALL PHASE 2

    On the 20th and 21st of February, CARD4ALL cities met officially as project partners of the Transfer Network Phase 2.


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  • Spend Analysis and Procurement Behaviours

    The first meeting of Phase 2 of the Making Spend Matter Transfer Network took place in early February 2019. At the meeting, Preston City Council started the process of transferring the Spend Analysis methodology which they have been working with for the last six years to six other cities across Europe.


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  • Outcomes of the transnational meeting in Sofia, February 2019

    In February, the Stay Tuned partners held a transnational meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria. All partners provided insight into their projects tackling early leaving from education and training (ELET). It was also an opportunity to exchange ideas about operational implementation formats (OIF) and solutions.

    Matthias Peynshaert

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  • Tallinn: creating a model for ELET prevention and feedback

    Through workshops and seminars in the last couple of months, our partners from Tallinn came to the creation of an early leaving of education and training (ELET) leaving prevention model and a feedback culture. They are now being tested in the pilot schools. 

    Matthias Peynshaert

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  • Achieving sustainable school canteens: BioCanteens partners prove it is easier than you may think!

    BioCanteens partners had a lot on their plate for their first transnational meeting on sustainable school kitchens from the 30th of January to the 1st of February 2019: how to help partner cities in significantly improving the sustainability of local school kitchens that serve up to thousands of meals on a daily-basis and which organisation is complex and based on deeply-rooted practices? Here is how BioCanteens partners did it.

    Nathan Begoc

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