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    Caceres kicks of the first Biomarket in Extremadura

    Last Sunday, March 20th, Cáceres kicked off its Small Scale Action as a project partner in URBACT Tourism-Friendly Cities considering that Cáceres performance in both networks Tourism-Friendly Cities

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    SamenMakenWeHeerlen – TogetherWeMake-Heerlen- SSA

    Municipality of Heerlen drew up the Bid Book 'Urban Heerlen' in 2016. This bid book describes how Heerlen wants to develop its centre around 5 themes with 25 different ambitions. The bid book received

  • Articles

    Six solutions for city authorities to help us all waste less food

    Each year, EU households throw away millions of tonnes of food. What can cities do to support the fight against food waste?

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    Updates from the Small Scale Actions of the Tourism-friendly Cities URBACT network

    This last period has shown the importance of our network even more than before, as the tourism sector has been one of the most damaged sector by the pandemic.

    Now cities have the possibility to

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    Ελάτε στο URBACT City Festival 2022!

    Αιτηθείτε την θέση σας ΣΤΟ Φεστιβάλ για τις πόλεις της ΕΕ, 14-16 Ιουνίου, στο Παρίσι. Αυτή τη φορά, δια ζώσης - και με ουδέτερο ισοζύγιο άνθρακα...

  • Partecipa al Festival della città URBACT 2022!

    Riserva il tuo ingresso al Festival delle città dell'UE, 14-16 giugno, presso la Grande Parigi. Questa volta, di persona - e a zero emissioni...

    L'URBACT City Festival è tornato, e le iscrizioni sono

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    Jihlava zavádí nové trendy v oblasti spolupráce s developery

    Každá nová výstavba ve městě zvyšuje nároky na okolní oblasti. Jde například o dopravní infrastrukturu, sociální a zdravotní služby, ale i další prvky potřebné pro fungování městské společnosti

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    Entrepreneurship Ecosystems – a few pieces do not a jigsaw make….

    Over the years I’ve worked with URBACT networks, I have written - and read - various articles on the key success factors of an entrepreneurial ecosystem, most recently co-authoring Ten Top Tips with

  • Articles

    Storytelling for urban change: a narrative for Thriving Streets

    Author: Simone d’Antonio, Ad-hoc Expert Thriving Streets

    At the occasion of the World Storytelling Day, a focus on how the partners of Thriving Streets are integrating narrative element into their