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  • Заповядайте на Фестивала на градовете по Програма УРБАКТ 2022!

    Заявете своевременно участие на Фестивала, 14-16 юни, Голям Париж. Този път – присъствено и … въглеродно-неутрално

  • Творческа бюрокрация

    Творческата бюрокрация не е оксиморон

  • Vegyél részt a 2022-es URBACT Városfesztiválon!

    Az URBACT Városfesztivál Párizs mellett, Pantinban lesz június 14-16-án, ezúttal személyesen - és szén-dioxid semlegesen...


  • Smart cities, innovation and gender equality

    How is smart cities, innovation and technological development connected to gender equality? What are the critical questions we have to ask ourselves?

  • How BioCanteens accelerated local food initiatives in Liège? 

    The particularity of the Transfer of Good Practices, promoted in the URBACT Transfer Networks, is that they play a different role depending on the Partner City. In some cases, it kicks starts a

  • Telling the story of Gendered Landscapes

    Cities are places with inherent power structures and challenges but also places where innovations and solutions arise. How do we communicate the nuances and the complexity of cities in a comprehensive

  • Városi kezdeményezések Európa-szerte az ukrajnai menekültek megsegítésére

    Tudd meg, hogy az uniós országok milyen módon segítik Ukrajnát.

  • Gender, power and housing

    Gender and urban development are intimately interrelated in many ways. At the transnational meeting in March 2022 the network made visible gendered power structures in housing in a panel organized by

  • Πρωτοβουλίες πόλεων σε όλη την Ευρώπη για βοήθεια στους Ουκρανούς

    Ενημερωθείτε για ορισμένους από τους τρόπους με τους οποίους οι χώρες της ΕΕ βοηθούν την Ουκρανία.