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  • Articles

    Közösségi kertek - a közjó kiemelkedő példái Budapesten

    Budapesten talán a legkönnyebben úgy lehet megértetni az emberekkel, hogyan működik a városi közös munka, ha a közösségi kertekre hivatkozunk, amelyekből több tucatnyi működik a magyar fővárosban.


  • Articles

    Community gardens as prime example of commons in Budapest

    The easiest way to make people in Budapest understand how urban common works is perhaps a reference to community gardens of which many dozens operate in the Hungarian capital city.

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    Prázdne budovy možno využívať aj kreatívne: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Ostrava (Česká Republika)

    Takmer v každom európskom meste sa nachádzajú prázdne, dlhodobo nevyužívané nehnuteľnosti, ktoré stratili svoje pôvodné funkčné využitie. Majitelia nemajú dostatok financií na revitalizáciu, nemôžu

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    Cinema Victoria

    Lessons learned from the first co-management experiences in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

  • Articles

    Les 4 saisons des villes en transition

    Capitale Verte Européenne 2022, la ville de Grenoble vous invite aux 4 saisons des Villes en Transition.

  • Local economy

    Cities must rethink procurement for a healthier economic recovery

    Ten tips for strategic, integrated public procurement to help local economies bounce back stronger.

  • The RiConnect Archive

    Welcome to the RiConnect Archive! You can download all our documents by clicking on each chapter

  • Articles

    "Best practice in Industry 4.0: Learnings from LCR4.0. Interview with Simon Reid"

    Best practice in Industry 4.0: Learnings from LCR4.0. Interview with Simon Reid by Ceri Batchelder, Ad Hoc URBACT expert

    Back in 2018, I was working on a project to try and bring together the digital

  • Articles

    Veiksmīgi aizvadīta URBACT e-Universitāte par pilsētu rīcības plānu ieviešanu un finansēšanu!

    2022. gadā no 1. līdz 3. februārim URBACT e-Universitāte pulcēja vairāk kā 500 pilsētu projektu vadītājus no 40 valstīm. Sally Kneeshaw, URBACT programmas eksperte un e-Universitātes moderatore