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  • Oltre la COP 26: l'impegno di URBACT per la sostenibilità ambientale

    Un approfondimento sulle azioni di sistema realizzate da URBACT in materia di sostenibilità ambientale, per promuovere maggiore consapevolezza sugli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile ma anche un

  • Network Expert Kostas Karamarkos introduces the cities of RU:RBAN Second Wave

    RU:RBAN Second Wave will transfer an inclusive, flexible and friendly methodology to the Urbact Local Groups of the 5 networking cities (Rome, Lead Partner, and the cities of Alexandroupolis

  • Kommunen profitieren von mehr Austausch und Experimenten – Interview mit Prof. Reiner Schmidt vom Netzwerk „Gemeinsam für das Quartier“

    Die Vernetzungsinitiative „Gemeinsam für das Quartier“ ist ein im Rahmen der Nationalen Stadtentwicklungspolitik gefördertes Projekt. Ganz im Sinne der URBACT-Methode ist ihr Ziel, neue

  • Picnic for the elderly in Hegyvidék-Budapest

    „Időspiknik” (Picnic for elderly), a series of mini-programmes within the Health and Greenspace project aims to combine the positive physiological effects of the green environment with mental health

  • How to design a health nature trail? (download guideline!)

    How to design a health nature trail? Espoo´s new booklet shows you!

  • Lessons from Tallin on spatial planning

    Tartu aims at completing an Integrated Action Plan that will set very certain next steps for their newest department at Tartu City Government – the Spatial Planning Department. Tallinn, our capital

  • Curso URBACT sobre Contratación Estratégica

    URBACT ha desarrollado un curso online en el que poder entender y conocer qué es la contratación estratégica y cómo poder aplicarla en tu ciudad. 

  • Barnsley's Fierce Love Holds You Forever in it's Heart

    These are the words, lit up in neon that welcome you when you walk into Barnsley’s new public space in the town centre. 

  • Articles

    Resilience and communities: URBACT at the Venice Architecture Biennale

    “How will we live together?” asks the 17th International Architecture Exhibition. URBACT has some answers.