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  • ROOF Winter School Report

    From the 3rd till the 5th of March 2021 the URBACT ROOF team brought together guests from across Europe to participate in our first ever Winter School hosted by the city of Braga, Portugal and co

  • Playful Paradigm II: A New Project benefitting from the successful experience of the first edition of Playful Paradigm

    Don’t try to direct PLAY, just make the space playful!

    The experience of Playful Paradigm, developed from April 2018 to June 2021, has clearly showed that people don’t need explanation about where and

  • "Inspirowanie innych miast do podjęcia działań": Clermont-Ferrand miasto URBACT na COP26

    Clermont-Ferrand głosi na COP26 ważne przesłanie: miasta każdej wielkości mają do odegrania zasadniczą rolę w przeciwdziałaniu zmianom klimatu.

  • Upgrading environmentally friendly orientation of four EU cities with urban beekeeping principles

    BeePathNet Reloaded is about spreading knowledge on urban beekeeping to additional four EU cities that have proven its environmentally friendly orientation and would like to put special emphasis on

  • BeePathNet Reloaded Boot Camp

    The BeePathNet Reloaded Boot Camp was a five-day intensive training opportunity. The BeePathNet Reloaded partners Ljubljana (lead partner), Bansko (Bulgaria), Bergamo (Italy), Osijek (Croatia) and

  • The Bee-friendly city movement is about spreading knowledge on urban beekeeping

    BeePathNet Reloaded is about spreading knowledge on urban beekeeping to additional four EU cities that have proven its environmentally friendly orientation and would like to put special emphasis on

  • Candelaria continues to advance in the European project "FIND YOUR GREATNESS"

    The Candelaria Technology Centre (CTcan) hosted on Thursday, October 21st, the second meeting of the Extended Local Working Group of Candelaria of the European project "Find your greatness".

  • Vilawatt UTM webináriumok: tapasztalatcsere és tanulás a jövőbeli beruházási terv kidolgozásáért

    A Vilawatt URBACT transzferfolyamat öt, a tanulást segítő webináriumot foglal magában, amelyek célja, hogy a partnervárosok elmélyítsék a Vilawatt innovatív gyakorlatát alkotó öt pillérről szóló