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  • Articles

    Πόλεις με διεθνή προοπτική: Η περίπτωση του Magdeburg

    Στο πλαίσιο του Δικτύου Μεταφοράς Καλής Πρακτικής URBACT, Welcoming International Talent -WIT («Καλωσορίζοντας τα διεθνή ταλέντα»), επτά πόλεις στοχεύουν στην ανταλλαγή γνώσεων, στη βελτίωση των

  • El método URBACT y el impulso de la planificación urbana integral en Europa

    La legislación e informes provenientes de la Unión Europea como la ONU llevan años, décadas, estableciendo las directrices para impulsar un desarrollo sostenible de las ciudades y los territorios

  • #CRESCOaward contest: CITIES4CSR HAS RECEIVED the Lexmark "Circular Economy"AWARD.

    CITIES4CSR project has just received the Lexmark "Circular Economy" award as part of the 5th edition of the #CRESCOaward contest. Lexmark is a provider of printing and imaging products, software


    URBACT programos veiksmų planavimo tinklas KAIROS kviečia registruotis ir dalyvauti dviejuose nuotoliniuose seminaruose.

  • La prima e-University di URBACT: i momenti salienti e le risorse disponibili

    Scopri i 6 punti salienti del primo evento di capacity building digitale e su larga scala di URBACT

  • C-Change European Week of Regions and Cities Workshop

    The 18th European week of Regions and Cities drew to a close last month with this year's event being the first ever event to be delivered fully online. The numbers for the event were staggering with

  • #NANTES4CSR. The CSR Platform of the Nantes metropolitan area A territory for experimentation in Corporate Social Responsibility

    Nantes Metropole, one of CITIES4CSR project partner, is revolutionising the local authority approach to CSR through their innovative platform

  • Ready to Play?

    With the pandemic influencing and modifying our daily lives, in personal and work contexts, it became necessary adapting ourselves, in order to be as efficient as possible. Thus, we had to use, more

  • Présentation des compagnons numériques (digital buddies) d'URBACT

    Nous continuons à soutenir les villes dans leur travail numérique, tout récemment par la création d'un pool d'experts disponibles à la demande.