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  • Στη Γαλλία η Διαχειριστική Αρχή του URBACT IV

    Η Γαλλία θα συνεχίσει να διαχειρίζεται το πρόγραμμα URBACT την περίοδο 2021-2027.

  • Igra: rešitev za zdravje malih mest v času krize

    Situacija v zvezi s koronavirusom se ponovno zaostruje, URBACT mesta pa si prizadevajo spodbujati javno zdravje, dobro počutje in povezanost skupnosti.

  • Finding well-being in the forest

    According to research, spending time in nature can lead to significant health benefits. In Espoo, promoting well-being is now easier than before, thanks to the new Olari health nature trail in the

  • Esplugues de Llobregat publishes a guide to use games to raise environmental awareness

    The students from four high schools in Esplugues designed and created 19 games about nature and sustainability

  • "The Playful Paradigm: a tool to re-think cities"

    On 8th October 2020 a "Play participatory lab" has been organized during the European Week of Regions and Cities to involve policymakers and urban practitioners for co-designing measures and sharing

  • Európai városfejlesztési jó gyakorlatok sikeres adaptációja

    Mit tanultunk, hogyan készüljünk a 2021-27-es időszakra?
    Online konferencia – Összefoglaló – 2020. november 4.

  • Participatory budgeting for improving greenspaces

    Participatory budgeting is an opportunity of engaging citizens in greenspace design. Our partner cities Poznan and Tartu show you how.

  • Escape from the city noise: Limerick's Hush City approach

    Noise isn't new - around 600 BC roasters and tinsmiths were banned in Sybaris, Greece because of their noise. Fast forward to our time and you find that noise pollution is an issue that still needs to

  • ULG VIEWS, Siiri Tiis

    URBACT Local Groups are key in the construction of partner cities’ Educational Innovation Networks (EIN). They represent the different stakeholders that will take part in the future Educational