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  • RetaiLink: Ready for the learning and planning

    Ve výzvě pro příklady dobré praxe OP URBACT III bylo podáno 270 žádostí. Děkujeme všem městům z celé Evropské unie, která nám žádost poslala!
  • InteractiveCities: Social media for relational urban governance by the Interactive Cities Partnership

    With today's European cities hosting most of the continent’s population and urban areas being the stage for many of contemporary conflicts such as social inequality, environmental threats or economic

  • Opening the jewellery box in Sopron

    Interview with:  Edit Bognar, City Development Office of Sopron Municipality, Dr. Tamas Fodor, Mayor of Sopron and Emoke  Zacs, Grants Europe Kft in Budapest interviewed by Wessel Badenhorst Lead

  • TEchTown, interview with Tracey Johnson lead Partner

    Before I answer these questions, let's back track a bit as the local context is important. Barnsley is a medium sized city - at least by UK standards in the north of England. Historically it was a

  • Procure – creating a good local economy

    Interview with Tamar Reay from Preston City Council and Councillor Matthew Brown, the Lead Member for Social Inclusion and Policy at Preston City Council interviewed by Matthew Jackson, lead expert

  • Smart specialisation: why is it the time for cities to act now? Experiences from Bilbao and Basque country

    The Basque Country is celebrating now the 25th anniversary of the Basque cluster policy. According to Michael Porter, it was the first region in the world in applying massively the cluster concept to

  • Freight TAILS – delivering Tailored Approaches for Innovative Logistics Solutions

    Interview with from Charlotte Knell (Lead Partner Westminster), Councillor Heather Acton, Dan Dura and Deputy Mayor Lucian Harşovschi from Suceava (project Partner City) interviewed by Matthew Jackson


    Interview with the Mayor of Gdansk Pawel Adamowicz and Magdalena Skiba – coordinator Boosting Social Innovation, interviewed by Peter Wolkowinsky, lead expert of Boostino network

    Boostinno is a new

  • The Arrival Cities project

    The Arrival Cities Action Planning Network is tackling one of Europe’s most urgent issues by looking at how cities can manage the challenges of old and new migration flows. Arrival Cities was