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  • Local economy
    Participative governance
    Social cohesion

    Young People and Jobs in Europe’s Cities: What actions can cities take to better engage employers?

    "It is employers who create jobs" If cities are to help young people to get the jobs they need, then engaging with employers is pivotal to success. Success requires the creation of more and better

  • Participative governance
    Social cohesion

    Cities using their purchasing power to facilitate social innovation

    Some cities are developing new approaches to ensure that resources are available to experiment with new solutions to their problems. They are using their buying power to orientate, speed up, amplify

  • Social cohesion

    Roma Community Building through Gardening

    URBACT Expert, Bela Kezy, reports from Hungary on an effective way to work with Roma communities


    The distribution of firewood and used clothes was a big event in Huszártelep, segregated neighbourhood

  • Articles

    Preserve, Contain, Improve: Towards Integrative Policies For Urban Growth Management

    The consequences of the unleashed urbanization process before the real estate crisis are today very explicit on the building stock as well as on the spatial configuration of cities. As for the

  • Urban planning

    Functional territories for better integrated governance: Towards spatially coordinated development in metropolitan and urban-rural area

    The growing territorial mismatch (between the administrative and the real-life boundaries of urban areas) and the conflicting relationship between urban and rural territories within the same areas

  • Climate action
    Participative governance

    Post-Crisis Urban Planning: Innovative Local Solutions to Fight Environmental Degradation

    Due to the financial crisis the heavily indebted public actors are not able any more to launch large-scale programmes to handle difficult environmental problems. Thus they have to find new, innovative

  • Participative governance

    View from the Top: When Women Run Cities...

    In this next article in the series on gender equality and female leadership in cities we hear some personal views directly from a number of women city leaders and urban experts. The first article of

  • Climate action
    Local economy

    Growing cities: How to Expand in a Sustainable and Integrated way?

    Population growth contributes in many cases also to increase in financial resources. Cities where population and economic growth go hand in hand can be consideredto be in a fortunate position. But how

  • Social cohesion

    Why Tackling Early School Leaving in Cities Matters

    In his seminal book, The Rise of the Meritocracy, Michael Young set out his concerns for a society increasingly focused on qualifications and narrow academic talent. One of his worries was that people