05/06/2019 08/08/2022


KAIRÓS is an URBACT Action Planning Network focused on cultural heritage as a driver for sustainable urban development and regeneration. In ancient Greek KAIRÓS means the propitious moment, and this is the moment to test an innovative policy framework, combining a sound integrated approach with a real transformation purpose. To meet this challenge, the KAIRÓS model pursues the proper assemblage of five key dimensions, namely: space, economy, social accessibility, attractiveness and governance.



Lead Partner : Mula - Spain
  • Belene - Bulgaria
  • Heraklion - Greece
  • Sibenik - Croatia
  • Cesena - Italy
  • Ukmergė - Lithuania
  • Malbork - Poland

Ayuntamiento de Mula
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 8
30170 Mula Tel.: 968 637 510


  • KAIRÓS Baseline Study
  • Thematic Warm-ups
  • Integrated Action Plan Roadmaps



  • Thematic workshop on Economy: Cultural Heritage as a Driver for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Job Creation
  • Thematic Workshop on Space: Valorisation and Adaptive Reuse in the Heritage City
  • Thematic Workshop on Attractiveness: Re-imagining the heritage city: from local identity to destination marketing
  • Thematic Workshop on Social Cohesion: Accessibility and inclusiveness in historic quarters
  • Peer-Review and study visit to Bologna
  • Re-thinking Malbork as a heritage city. On-site peer review. Malbork [PL] May 25-26 2022
  • The KAIRÓS journey on heritage-driven urban regeneration. KAIRÓS final conference. Mula [ES], 27-28 April 2022




Integrated Action Plans

Heraklion IAP From research ... TO ACTION

Read more here

Heraklion - Greece
Taking Mula to new heights

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Mula - Spain
Revitalizing Ukmergė old town by giving voice to the local community

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Ukmergė - Lithuania
Converting Belene into a desirable place to live

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Belene - Bulgaria
Reinforcing a city perspective to heritage

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Malbork - Poland
IAP Šibenik Green, smart and inclusive Old Town

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Šibenik - Croatia
The City Gate

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Cesena - Italy


  • Rolul URBACT în modelarea achizițiilor publice inovatoare și responsabile

    Realizarea politicii UE la nivel local în cazul achizițiilor publice

    După șapte ani de contribuție a URBACT la Agenda Urbană a Parteneriatul UE pentru achiziții publice inovatoare și responsabile, reflectăm asupra unor învățături și constatări cheie.

  • Social cohesion
    First approach to the selection of experiments after the ideation phase The 5th Transnational Meeting was held in Isernia, Italy, on June 18-19, 2024

    First approach to the selection of experiments after the ideation phase The 5th Transnational Meeting was held in Isernia, Italy, on June 18-19, 2024

    This 5th Transnational Meeting is a testament to the vitality of our network, with the participation of our 10 partners who were present for this meeting. They reaffirmed their commitment and