ServaNet – Regional Open Fiber Network
Miguel Sousa, Urbact Lead Expert developed a Case Study on ServaNet – Regional Open Fiber Network. The Scope of this case study is about municipalities in the same territory sharing the costs of developing a technological infrastructure, like it happens in the Västernorrland county in Sweden that includes Ånge and other 6 rural municipalities. The 7 municipalities are coowners of ServaNet, a regional broadband service provider, that is also implementing other lowcost/ low range solutions for IoT networks, such as LoRa.
ServaNet is a good example of a metropolitan area network, i.e. a broadband network available locally in one or more municipalities. ServaNet, like most other urban networks, is mostly built with fiber optics and is a so-called open net. It supplies fiber networks in the municipalities: Sundsvall, Härnösand, Timrå, Ånge, Strömsund and Ragunda, and is owned by the municipalities, or in some cases by utilities in municipalities, providing its inhabitants with access to the sharpest options in the Internet, television and smart services for the connected home, and ensuring the coordination of the offer across a vast region.