Transfer Story Idrija
Through few chapters we are explaining how we transferred good practice and established our Towns’ living room. And also explaining what were the important steps and learnings from the whole transfer.
It is a story, so it has to start somewhere. So, we firstly explained how it all started. And it starts like every good story – with a dream and an idea. Good practice offered us a guidance and understanding good practice was important start. But to make the idea come true, you also have to do the work. In the next paragraph we are explaining some of the steps we had to take – our ULG, important stakeholders, securing premises, etc. When you got the information, you needed to understand what our transfer was about, we are giving you an insight in the third paragraph, about how we adapted the practice to local needs.
Since getting to the point of ‘’full transfer’’ is not an end of the story, we are trying to explain what we think is waiting for us in future and what dangers of sustaining it are.