URBACT stories

Hear from the URBACT community on today’s most pressing challenges and inspiring examples from all around Europe. Find the inspiration you have been looking for to put knowledge into action!

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  • Valentine's Day - Be my project partner - COVER

    Perfect partners?

    How to put together a strong partnership for an URBACT Network.

    Sally Kneeshaw

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  • Women using her phone to take a picture at the Tallinn URBACT City Festival

    Digital Transition in cities – how can it benefit citizens?

    Take a trip down memory lane with us. Re-discover stories and reflections that we've captured over the last years. This article was first published in 2019 and, yet, is more relevant than ever, with digital transition at the heart of EU cohesion policy objectives and the URBACT Programme.

    Marcelline Bonneau

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  • Is the compact city model endangered?

    Three Action Planning Networks (2019 - 2022) came together to gather inspiration on how people can experience and move through the city.

    Ivan Tosics

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  • COVER what's in for future Action Planning Networks APN

    What’s in for Action Planning Networks’ cities?

    Taking stock and looking ahead, we delve into the insights and reflections coming from the past round of URBACT III networks.

    Steffen Wetzstein

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  • Bees and the city

    Have you heard the buzz?

    When it comes to bees and cities, there's plenty of food for thought! Read more about BeePathNet's latest tools and updates.


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  • Urban garden in Mouans-Sartoux (FR) - Photo by François Jégou

    Food purchase is an agriculture act!

    How can we bring the transition issues related to food back to the table and to citizens' attention? Get the highlights of two URBACT Networks, BioCanteens and BioCanteens#2, led by Mouans-Sartoux, an URBACT city that is holding the next EU City Lab on Changing Habits for a Healthy and Sustainable Food System.

    François Jégou

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