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  • Event

    URBACT University 2023

    The URBACT University 2023 is a capacity-building event for current URBACT cities’ representatives from all over Europe which will take place in Malmö (Sweden) from Monday 28 August to Wednesday 30 August 2023. It is designed to equip up to 500 city practitioners involved in URBACT Action Planning Networks with competences useful for developing Integrated Action Plans to drive change in your cities. The training will be delivered in English.

    What will you gain by attending? 


  • Action Planning Networks in the URBACT City Festival 2022

    Let's welcome the new Action Planning Networks!

    Following the URBACT IV Monitoring Committee on 31 May, a new round of networks was approved.


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  • MC

    Reunião do Comité de Monitorização URBACT IV

    Os membros do Comité de Monitorização URBACT IV irão reunir-se nos dias 30 e 31 de maio, em Umea, Suécia, para tomarem decisões estratégicas sobre as próximas atividades, incluindo a aprovação das Redes de Planeamento de Ação.

    Maria João Matos

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  • Transfer Story – Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia

    The Municipality of Banská Štiavnica joined the transfer network in order to explore volunteerism in the town and abroad and to learn from the experience of others. At the time, we thought that volunteerism is not active in Banská Štiavnica and our aim was to start volunteering activities in our town but as the time passed and the ULG was established, we realised that volunteerism is in practice on high level however is not visible or promoted.



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  • NUP Portugal na reunião de coordenação em Paris

    O Ponto URBACT Nacional (NUP) de Portugal esteve presente em mais uma reunião de coordenação com os seus congéneres europeus e o Secretariado URBACT. Desta vez, a reunião teve lugar na La Recyclerie, em Paris, nos dias 24 e 25 de maio, e contou com a presença do Diretor da European Urban Initiative (EUI).

    Maria João Matos

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  • Can civic spaces strenghen local networks - COVER

    Kunnen burgerruimten lokale netwerken versterken

    Alleen sterke en verbonden lokale gemeenschappen kunnen zich doeltreffend aanpassen aan de voortdurende veranderingen in onze samenleving. Bottom-up en lokale initiatieven spelen een grote rol.

    Fabian Massart

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