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National URBACT Points coordination meeting
This is a closed event delivered by the URBACT Secretariat to support the National URBACT Points, with the presence of the European Urban Initiative (EUI). The agenda includes a series of sessions, collective exercises and trainings.
If you are interested to learn about URBACT's national activities and news, reach out to the National URBACT Points in your own country here.
URBACT Sekretariātā ir atvērtas vairākas vakances!
URBACT Sekretariāts šobrīd meklē jaunus kolēģus. Ir lieliska iespēja būt daļai no entuziasma pilnas un apņēmīgas komandas, kas virza pārmaiņas uz labākām pilsētām.
Numa procura constante de especialistas que possam apoiar as cidades beneficiárias e as outras atividades do programa, o URBACT acaba de aprovar um primeiro grupo de Peritos Certificados.